Doug Peterson | Author

Thrones in the Desert

This is the story of Jesus, seen through the eyes of a slave, a guard in Herod’s palace, a Pharisee, the daughter of a Zealot, and a tax collector. Jesus overthrows the thrones in their lives as they weave through the book of Luke, chapter by chapter.

The Ride

Paul Revere gets all the credit for alerting the countryside to the British troops bearing down on Lexington and Concord. But did you know that he was one of three primary riders, carrying the warning? With stunning artwork from Marvel artists, The Ride details the...

The Gathering Storm

Abigail Adams narrates some of the most iconic moments of the American Revolution as tensions mount between the American colonies and the British with the Stamp Act, the Boston Massacre, and the Boston Tea Party.

The Awakening

The Great Awakening, a dramatic spiritual revival, sweeps the colonies beginning in the 1730’s and a scientific revolution is taking place with people like Benjamin Franklin. The French and Indian War sets the stage for a revolution that will change the world.

Back to the Futures

Futures markets are critical to our economy, but they’re confusing. Economist Scott Irwin explains these markets, while taking you on a wild ride with motorcycles, race cars, and runaway cows.

Meet the Author

Doug Peterson is the award-winning author of 78 books, including seven historical novels, eight comic books (and counting), and over 40 children’s books for the best-selling VeggieTales series.

Doug is highly versatile, writing for children and adults in many mediums—novels, comic books, picture books, plays, magazine stories, humor, fiction, and non-fiction. He is the father of two boys and loves playing with his four grandchildren. His office, which features a Lego city, has been described as the best office in the world for a ten-year-old.

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North-South Series

The Vanishing Woman

The Vanishing Woman

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The Vanishing Woman

Ellen and William Craft escape from Macon, Georgia, when Ellen poses as a white man, while her husband pretends to be her slave. Their escape changes the nation. A true story.

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The Vanishing Woman

The Disappearing Man

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The Disappearing Man

Henry “Box” Brown mails himself to freedom. He ships himself in a box from Richmond to Philadelphia—one of the most incredible escape attempts in the history of the Underground Railroad.

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The Vanishing Woman

The Tubman Train

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The Tubman Train

Harriet Tubman’s name is legendary, but most people do not know her complete story. The Tubman Train is one of the first novels to tackle her remarkable life.

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The Vanishing Woman

The Lincoln League

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The Lincoln League

John Scobell, the first African-American spy in the U.S. intelligence service, operates deep within Confederate lines during the Civil War. Based on a true story, this thriller tells the little-known story of the Lincoln League, a network of African-American spies.

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The Vanishing Woman

The Dixie Devil

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The Dixie Devil

André Cailloux is the forgotten first black hero in the first black unit to see action in the American Civil War. This is the story of André and his wife, Felicie, as they try to survive in the turbulent world of New Orleans.

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Kingdom Come Series

The Vanishing Woman

Thrones in the Desert

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Thrones in the Desert

This is the story of Jesus, seen through the eyes of a slave, a guard in Herod’s palace, a Pharisee, the daughter of a Zealot, and a tax collector. Jesus overthrows the thrones in their lives as they weave through the book of Luke, chapter by chapter.

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Annie O’Shea Historical Mysteries

The Vanishing Woman

The Puzzle People

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The Puzzle People

A mystery/suspense novel that spans the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall. Inspired by real events, the novel features dramatic escapes, puzzling mysteries, and murder.

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The Vanishing Woman

Back to the Futures

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Back to the Futures

Futures markets are critical to our economy, but they’re confusing. Economist Scott Irwin explains these markets, while taking you on a wild ride with motorcycles, race cars, and runaway cows.

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The Vanishing Woman

Of Moose and Men

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Of Moose and Men

Torry Martin once woke up frozen to his cabin floor. He also had a moose stuck in his window and a reindeer trapped in his kitchen. Follow his hilarious escapades in Alaska. Each story is a parable.

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The Vanishing Woman

The Call of the Mild

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The Call of the Mild

Whether he’s dealing with pythons in South Africa, pickpockets in Ireland, or grizzlies in Alaska, comedian Torry Martin shares his blunders and life lessons along the way.

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Kingdom Come Series

Annie O’Shea Historical Mysteries


The Vanishing Woman

Thrones in the Desert

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Thrones in the Desert

This is the story of Jesus, seen through the eyes of a slave, a guard in Herod’s palace, a Pharisee, the daughter of a Zealot, and a tax collector. Jesus overthrows the thrones in their lives as they weave through the book of Luke, chapter by chapter.

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The Vanishing Woman

The Puzzle People

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The Puzzle People

A mystery/suspense novel that spans the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall. Inspired by real events, the novel features dramatic escapes, puzzling mysteries, and murder.

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The Vanishing Woman

Back to the Futures

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Back to the Futures

Futures markets are critical to our economy, but they’re confusing. Economist Scott Irwin explains these markets, while taking you on a wild ride with motorcycles, race cars, and runaway cows.

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The Vanishing Woman

Of Moose and Men

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Of Moose and Men

Torry Martin once woke up frozen to his cabin floor. He also had a moose stuck in his window and a reindeer trapped in his kitchen. Follow his hilarious escapades in Alaska. Each story is a parable.

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The Vanishing Woman

The Call of the Mild

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The Call of the Mild

Whether he’s dealing with pythons in South Africa, pickpockets in Ireland, or grizzlies in Alaska, comedian Torry Martin shares his blunders and life lessons along the way.

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Comic Books

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Comic Books

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Comic Books

Children’s Books

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Children's Books

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Children's Books

Plays / Radio Dramas

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Plays / Radio Dramas

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Plays / Radio Dramas

Blogs | By Doug Peterson

Way of the Sensei

Every Sunday morning, before church, I go running with my youngest son along the paths winding through the University of Illinois Arboretum. Along the route, we pass Japan House. So it was only fitting to do a feature story on the man behind Japan House, Shozo Sato....

A Tale of Two Tombs

Our tour group gathered beneath a canopy at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem, listening to our guide on a beautiful, shirt-sleeve day. To one side, we could hear the singing of another church group gathered near the tomb, and to the other side was the cacophony of the...
Image of the cover of the first issue of Peterson Pilgrim Magazine

Ordinary Objects, Extraordinary Stories: Introducing ‘Peterson Pilgrim’ Magazine

A letter that helped to convict a Nazi war criminal… A squeegee handle that saved the lives of half a dozen people on 9/11… A set of stairs that saved hundreds more… These ordinary objects played a role in some extraordinary stories. These stories are also some...

The Jerusalem Model: Legoland for Bible Geeks

  “It’s even better than Legoland,” said actor Hugh Bonneville of Downton Abbey fame in the PBS show, Jesus: Countdown to Calvary. Bonneville made the comment while viewing a massive model depicting what the city of Jerusalem looked like in the first...

Mary Magdalene’s Giant Leap

Hanging in our basement, next to a Lego model of the Apollo 11 lunar lander, is the front page of a Chicago Tribune, dated July 21, 1969. The headline: “GIANT LEAP FOR MANKIND.” Last year, the United States celebrated 50 years since that incredible day when Neil...
History by the Slice