The teenage girl entered the forest on what appeared to be an ordinary stroll, stopping to pick wildflowers along the way. In truth, she was on a secret mission to deliver an important message to a British paratrooper hiding in the Arnhem forest during World...
Raiders of the Lost Notebook
The "Lost Notebook" sounds like something that Indiana Jones would pursue through jungles and across sands. But for mathematicians worldwide, the quest for this rare gem has taken them on a much different path—through libraries and stacks and stacks of documents....
Disappearing Man Optioned for Film!
I am thrilled to announce that a New York film and television company has purchased the screenplay of The Disappearing Man, with the goal of bringing Henry "Box" Brown's story to the screen. Many people have told me that my novels read like movies, so it is only...
Why Do Students Today Have Problems With Old Movies?
Pat Gill teaches some of the most popular film classes on the University of Illinois campus. But over the years she has noticed that an increasing number of students have problems with old movies--and by old movies she includes those in the 1980's and 90's. As a...
Henry and Nancy
Canton Actors Bring a Remarkable Couple to Life When a friend first approached Roslyn Pratt about playing Nancy Brown in the Canton film production of The Disappearing Man, her first reaction was "Oh no, you don't."Â Based on her extensive stage experience, Pratt...
One Book, One Community–And One Film
Canton Group Brings The Disappearing Man to Life Furious, the overseer stepped away from Mamma and kicked up dust with his boot...Then he picked up a stick, a sturdy one, and circled Mamma like he would a dangerous dog. Henry had to act. He knew it now...The overseer...